What was the procedure through which Mimi G created an award-winning Brand & Business sewing class online

Aug 22, 2024

Recently, we caught up to chat to Mimi G, an award-winning DIY, life and fashion blogger ( check out her blog here). Mimi G is also a extremely popular social media user, with millions of followers across several platforms. Additionally, she has an online course that has been big success in its creation as well. Well done Mimi!

Find the entire report in the link below or view our video interview with Mimi G here. Mimi G here

     Her stamp on sewing fashion    

Since the year 2012 Mimi is blogging regularly to keep her busy. Mimi needed a outlet as she has always been an avid sewer. The blog she started provided her with the chance to share her passion for making and designing with others. Her first blog post that she posted was about items she made for herself and her blog. By the close of the first year of frequent posts, she saw an increase in the amount of people looking to know about how to create. The skirt tutorial was posted on her blog toward the close of her first year an instant success on Pinterest and on her blog. She discovered that a lot women were enthralled by her enthusiasm for making fashions for sewing.

"There were plenty of sewers from the home, but it was not the case that many were focusing on fashion sewing", Mimi recalls. "Because I am a clothes and sewing specialist I was extremely well-known because of women who were not just shopping for products - as well as to enhance their sewing abilities. it. Its demand was huge."

Most of the requests came from parents that asked Mimi to create the skirts for their kids. After a few demands Mimi realized that she wasn't a big fan of sewing clothing for others. "It might be the most horrible experience of my life" we heard her speak. "I regret the entire experience. I'm not a person to sew for others. I was overwhelmed and had a terrible time."

But Mimi wasn't content sharing her experience and aid everyone who was fascinated by the viral skirt as well as fashion sewing in an entire. In that instant, she said to herself 'Well what if I taught others how to sew this instead of creating the skirt themselves? This was the first course I've ever taken."

Mimi has launched her tutorial online for the first time, recording herself creating her skirt. The video went viral through her blog and Pinterest. To this day the tutorial video is one of her most watched videos she has hosted on YouTube. YouTube channel. Over time, Mimi continued to create and upload free videos on YouTube, ranging from making specific skirts, tops, and clothes that resemble those seen on runways.

Here's a picture from her channel on YouTube, with a high rating (now with over 150,000 users! ):

How Mimi G Built an Award-Winning Brand & Business Teaching Sewing Online

Making an impact by publishing free videos online was definitely the initial step on Mimi's path to becoming an online course creator. By publishing videos and tutorials on their website, YouTube, and social media regularly, her goal was to build a faithful admirer of hers who believes in and loves her. In addition, she could enhance her skills when it comes to content creation while instructing simultaneously. The lessons she learned assisted her in preparing for the creation and debut of her online class. In the present, Mimi's Sew It Academy is among the top member-based websites .

     Creating her membership site on    

The reason Mimi was able to develop the online course was due to the fact that she wanted to be able teach other people how to sew in a systematic method. The class started from the beginning. "I was hoping that they could learn to sew, but not as a singular assignment, but to begin with basic skills and then to improve the level of their abilities", Mimi told us. "So I decided to launch Sew It Academy online." Sew It Academy online school."

After she decided that she would like to establish an online school, she began to research the various online platforms accessible. One of the reasons she decided to join us was our help to our customers. "The assistance for our customers is outstanding" we heard her say. "I I sent you an Excel spreadsheet, and you'd transfer it for me. And you made it easy for me to explore since it was a unfamiliar concept to me. It was amazing."

Mimi has also shared to us how it was wonderful to keep close to her students and inform them of the latest news. Mimi also enjoys the opportunity to create an affiliate program to turn pupils into ambassadors of the school. "The affiliate program is amazing" Mimi says. Mimi. "If you're not part of an affiliate program in addition to having a good instructional course, then you're probably not getting the very best." Thank you for your comments, Mimi!

Sew It Academy is a website that is open to members. Sew It Academy is a subscription-based website. This means that students are required to sign up for a subscription fee every month, to have access to the entire courses and bonus programmes and also all latest bonuses and training programs when they're developed. The purpose Mimi uses a monthly subscription rather than a higher-priced single-purchase price is because of her decision not to want her students to spend in a huge amount of money learning an exciting new art. "I wish for those who are interested in sewing, but to have the ability to sew for a cost that was affordable to all" Mimi said. "I would like no one to be left out of having the chance to participate in the program just because they couldn't pay for it." In addition, she wanted participants to be able join anytime they want take part however much or little as they wish and progress at their own pace.

     The development of a sense of community among her students    

How Mimi G Built an Award-Winning Brand & Business Teaching Sewing Online

Mimi is also talking to us about the immense amount of engagement she's gaining in her group and friendships developed between students . "They become sisters. They are often referred to as sew-sisters, and they rely on one another" Mimi told us. "Because everybody who's a participant in The Sew It Academy starts at an entirely different level. They are able to help fellow students on the path. If somebody has a question they can ask another person to help to get to the next level."

Mimi's students have benefited from the Facebook group in order to connect with other users who are from the same geographic region. "If they're all in the same area or in the same state, they could form tiny groups that can get together and chat, and even make fabric and even sew" Mimi explained. Mimi. "That sense of belonging is essential to have an effective site for membership. This helps members stay engaged throughout the entire month."

Mimi hosts an annual gathering held in Los Angeles where all her fans, students, along with other members of Mimi G Style's fans Mimi G Style Community are expected to be able to gather to exchange knowledge and chat with one another. (We love this idea!). "We make a fashion show that showcases everything they've discovered", Mimi told us. "On Day Two there are classes that last for a day. On Day Three we go on an adventure in fabric. It was at that point I noticed I was really developing a network."

The format that she employs in her online class

Mimi shares everything through videos. Mimi is a visual person, and that's how she has always been a fan of the process of learning. "I experienced a terrible time during high school. I was able to sit inside a room listening to the conversation of others for hours, but when I'm done then the room is empty" She said. "But If you could demonstrate how I can do something that I can do, then I'll remember it throughout the day. This is why I teach. Each class is taught through video at throughout the entire procedure, from the beginning to the end once the project is completed".

In the process of creating incredible material Mimi gave some great tips. "I was in my chair when I was preparing to start The Sew It Academy, and I was thinking of methods I'd like able to sew. I was able to learn how to sew in my own way through the help by experimentation and trial. I didn't go to school and am a self-taught sewer" said the woman to us. "I think I'm able to convey knowledge in a very simple and easy-to-understand manner without any methods. That's why I came up with the concept of explaining each course in a way which is logical."

The ideas of Mimi are excellent. Before you create an online class on the subject you are an expert in, ensure that you've got how long it took you to learn this technique at the beginning. What were the tools you used which were especially useful? What tools weren't readily made available to your students, which you wished they had access to? Did you find a design or style that you would want to explore that might have made retention of your information more simple? Use this information to create an online course that is more efficient for your students.

     Strategies for creating your personal brand and growing your networks    

Mimi has more followers than anyone else. There are also Mimi G Style brand ambassadors who travel throughout the United States and the world to come to her annual celebration. We wanted to know the secrets of how Mimi managed to build an impressive and loyal group of followers. Here are some tips we received from her

     1. Post great content and post consistently

"What I think has sparked this phase of my personal as well as my career was the simple fact I had the ability to provide something no one else could currently offer. There were many DIYers as well as many websites that focused on making crafts, but there was no one creating fashion sewing and helping individuals learn how to make the art" Mimi recalls. "Having incredible content that could be posted and shared regularly was what really made me and my fans increase in popularity."

     2. Create trust among your readers through content that is completely absolutely free

Mimi added that she believes that one key reason that people trust her and trust her the fact that she's spent all of her time giving away her work for free and hasn't had any kind of compensation in return. "For the start of my year and half in the course of my year, i gave away all the content I donated without cost" Mimi explained. "I think that the majority of people who create content believe they are able to make money or sell their work. The main reason you should increase the amount of people who are reading your articles is because they're not seeking to make your content sell. My readers are beginning to realize that it's not just about the amount of money I earn however, the content I provide is of a good quality."

The evidence is clear that Mimi's strategy of giving first, then selling later, has been well for her. "You must create high-quality useful material consistently so that you can give a lot of it for free charge, in order that when it's time to market something, people don't do it since they're not sure if they're selling every day. However the truth is that they're doing it in order to help the person who is giving away the material."

     3. Be authentic online

Mimi explained that the vast majority of instructors and course creators aren't required to be public personalities, however, to create a highly successful online course they need to have the willingness to be an image for the business. However, that doesn't mean you must to put on a face that's not genuine. For authenticity and authentic, you have to be real, using platforms like YouTube and social media sites for displaying your authentic self and let others become acquainted with you on a the deepest level.

"People do not have a connection to my online classes. They're connected to my personal profile", Mimi explained. "With Social media sites, users would like to find out more information about them and how they can connect to them. They'd like to meet people behind the company they're cheering on. If you're less private than you would like to be and you are sharing personal details and the more you allow people to know your personal details more likely you will be interacting with an audience that are dedicated and really going to increase profits over the course of the day."

How Mimi G Built an Award-Winning Brand & Business Teaching Sewing Online

     Marketing strategies to promote your course    

     1. Send out flyers to your neighbors and ask them if they'd like to know more about

Mimi stated that one of her first actions in establishing the program was sending messages to those she wanted to connect with. "I am with my friends and said"Hey I'm considering going to this or that academy. What are you hoping to see? Do you want to know? Do you want to know? Learn something new? " she asks. "I believe that this is something that most people aren't doing. Send out invitations! Find out what is that they'd like to know about."

     2. The focus is on the anticipation, not the actual launch date of the event.

Following the release of her flyers, and the creation of material based on what she believed people wanted to be aware of, Mimi created a "soft launch" for her class, in which registration was open for a week, and after which she shut it down. Before the soft launch, Mimi ensured that she promoted the event on all her social media platforms as well as through mail marketing campaigns, as well as other strategies to spark interest and enthusiasm.

"Every day, I tweeted each day every day something. We tweeted countdowns and conducted live Periscopes as well as answered concerns" She recalls. "And at the point the course was launched, it was nearly every day prior to the date of launch, which was quite a party." The course's launch was followed by a major announcement, Mimi claimed she teased her followers again by the sending of an email offering discounts for the course, and by opening enrollments for a month and then closing them time. "It's more about the anticipation more than it's about the launch date itself as well as spreading the word to the maximum quantity of people. Before paying any attention to the fans who are there."

     3. It doesn't matter how big (or smaller) the customer base you have it's all about how you interact with them.

"I have seen a lot individuals with large followers however aren't actively engaged, which is why numbers really don't have any significance" Mimi said. Mimi. "So If you can find five people who like your posts and are visible, those are the ones you need to cater to. This is the group whom you'll be sharing your posts with."

It's been nearly 5 year since Mimi launched her blog. Though she states it's the longest time but she's seen her blog grow the number of loyal readers through a tiny number of people based on the way she's dealt with them in a personal way. "It doesn't matter the amount of readers you've got. It's how you interact and engage with them. Then, you can ask their assistance to in marketing and promoting your service."

Advice for first time course creators

     1. Keep at it and expand the circle of your followers.

If you believe you have a wonderful concept to run a successful course It's worthwhile to put in the energy and time into creating a committed, passionate crowd prior to any other. "You need to put the work in beforehand" Mimi says. Mimi. "Really have the ability to extend your reach as well as aid in spreading information about your courses. It's much better instead of thinking"Oh, I've found this amazing course, and everyone is sure to be delighted and likely to visit. First thing to think about is how best to get them to get into the institution? What can they expect to find?" Make sure you have an audience in mind before designing the program. Excellent suggestion, Mimi.

     2. Beware of people who might discourage you.

Mimi told us that whenever she has the idea for a project, she hides the idea from her for a while and then works to develop a carefully planned strategy before revealing the idea to other people. "Keep the idea secret from yourself and put forth an effort to develop it. Do not let others stop your from doing what you truly want to do or something you truly are certain of. A majority of successful people on the planet are viewed by the public as crazy. were crazy, yet they felt they'd performed the right thing as they were able to see when things were coming to an conclusion."

     3. Do not waste your time, do it!

"Just Do it" Mimi says. Mimi. "People develop plans and arrange everything. They're always thinking of how to achieve it. They fill out a bunch of tasks and then slaving their bodies to death, thinking"I'm always thinking about it or pondering doing something. But, they're doing anything. Actually, they're doing nothing even. All they do is plan and prepare. It's vital to transfer that planning and preparation into reality."

We are grateful to you for giving us some insight. Thank you Mimi!

For more details regarding Mimi G or her sewing school, go to MimiGStyle.com

The article was first spotted on here

This post was first seen on here