What's a simulcast? How does it work? | Blog

Dec 13, 2023

So you've done it! You've created a brilliant live stream idea. You have your script, you've set up your camera, and now you're set to broadcast your live stream to thousands of followers on the web.

Simulcasting, also known as multistreaming, refers to the process of live streaming video to several channels on the same platform. In this piece, we'll explore the process of simulcasting live streaming, how it can be beneficial to a business or a person as well as some suggestions and tricks streaming your content on all your social channels from one stream.

What is simulcasting?

Simulcast is a way of broadcasting live streamed video to multiple destinations, such as Facebook Live, Youtube Live as well as any customized RTMP (real-time communication protocol). In simple terms, it allows you to increase your reach while bringing new viewers to your content.

An amalgamation of "simultaneous" in addition to "broadcast," the word "simulcast" originally meant to broadcast simultaneously through TV and radio. Today, simulcast streaming, refers to content that's broadcast digitally on platforms like social media and websites.

Mockup of simulcast destinations using

What is a simulcast and how does it work?

Traditionally, simulcasting meant broadcasting the signals of multiple towers simultaneously to different sources. Today, simulcasting works much similar to how creators attempt to broadcast streams of their content across multiple channels so that they can be viewed at the same time across channels.

How do I live stream to the social networks?

Start live streaming to LinkedIn, Facebook, and more with this helpful guide.

What is the main difference between simulcasting and multicasting?

There may be confusion between a simulcast and multicast. Don't fret! Simulcasting and multicasting are complementary technologies that help power live streams.

Simulcasts allow creators to send live video to stream simultaneously to multiple locations. Multicast is a combination of both software and hardware which sends live streaming to viewers who have subscribed so that they can reduce the bandwidth required. Multicasts and simulcasts both are methods for efficiently distributing live videos.

What's the value of simulcasts?

For brands and content creators using a simulcast is pretty straightforward. Simulcasting is less labor-intensive than streaming each platform individually. You get more views of your video for the same amount of effort - What's not to like?

When using , for example YouTube, you can broadcast your live video to up to five platforms at once. This includes Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and any other custom RTMP location such as Twitch and Periscope.

There's a unique feedback loop you can create through live streaming that will bring you closer to your viewers outside of the space.   Jamed Falik, Visual Design Team Leader, IFPRI

But you don't have be restricted to two channels. With , you can simulcast your streaming on as many as five different destinations, including Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn all at once and stream to up to 10 custom RTMP destinations -- in order to attract more viewers on multiple channels. More information is available in this full summary of simulcast.

Best practices for simulcasting your content

Ready to simulcast? Be sure to follow these simple tips before you live.

1. Make a large net.

Through simulcasting, there's more. Get your message out to a wider viewers by activating as many relevant social channels as you can and also looking for other websites or sites where you can host your streams or other video content. When you purchase Enterprise or Premium accounts, you can also integrate the player onto your website for a custom live-streaming experience.

2. Plan ahead.

3. Streaming with no tension.