What's the most efficient way to create the list of MySQL databases? (Step-by-Step instructions written in code)

Oct 28, 2022

MySQL is among the most well-known relational instrument to manage databases (RDBMS). It's an extremely powerful database platform that permits creation and management of databases that are scalable using a structured query language (SQL).

This is the MySQL server that hosts the databases . It is also where they will be accessible. As the administrator of the server, you have the ability to connect to data through the server, for instance those databases that are that are located on the server. It is also possible to show tables that are associated with certain databases. This will show the tables associated with the particular database. The system will also highlight the roles and rights of users . It will also display the restrictions on access along with restrictions in access.

This article gives an outline of how to take an inventory of MySQL databases using a command-line prompt.

The prerequisites to list MySQL databases

It's essential to connect to the MySQL server, which is already installed locally on your computer before you can set the server up. If you do not have MySQL you can benefit from a variety of alternatives for setting the server up.

  • Download, install , and run it. Download and run it from the MySQL installation program through their official website. Once you've downloaded their program and installed it, follow these instructions to set up and install the MySQL server and a number of other software.

It's simple to execute MySQL commands using commands. It's crucial to add in the procedure in the process to include an entry to MySQL executable's URL. MySQL executable's URL into the system's environment. If you've previously set up MySQL using the second option, the second option isn't required, and it's fine to skip the next section.

Add the MySQL URL for the Variables Environment of your System.

This article will instruct readers on the best way to include the MySQL executable path to the environment variable on your system to make use of it in conjunction with XAMPP and WAMP with the Windows PC.

Open the Windows Explorer and navigate to your computer. Select the drive on where you've downloaded the WAMP as well as the XAMPP application ( C:).

If you're running XAMPP it is necessary to navigate through the directories XAMPP at first. After that, mysql then bin and move the entire directory to bin. The Bin folder. To access WAMP, go to the version you're using from WAMP. Go to Bin > mysql, the MySQL version . Then, Bin. Copy all folder's paths.

The fullpath to access MySQL CLI.
The whole route leading towards the bin organizer.

Select the menu at the top of the menu. Then, enter "path." Choose to change the setting variable.

Click the Environment variable under the heading of Startup and Recovery and choose the variable PATH , then click to modify the.

Select "New" Copy all addresses in MySQL's MySQL executable (which you've already copied).

Editing environment variables.
Editing the environment of the variable.

You are able to make any necessary adjustments following the click of "OK.".

Once you've established the destination, you'll be able to run MySQL commands from the terminal.

Log into MySQL

In order to display MySQL database, the users require an account with the MySQL database that they wish to see or configure to have the full SHOW Databases privilege, which grants access rights to MySQL for every user.

Verify you have the MySQL server up and running before connecting to it via the command prompt


Make sure you replace it with your username. MySQL's default username MySQL is root and the password isn't known (there's no password for MySQL's default password).

Logging into MySQL through the terminal.
Logging into MySQL.

Create Databases within the MySQL Server

In the event that you're connected and logged into the database, you're in a position of being capable of accessing MySQL databases on servers using this command: SHOW Databases command. SHOW Databases command:


You'll be able to access the entire database information that are kept in the servers.

Showing MySQL databases.
A list of databases that are in the process of being maintained.

Out of the six databases that are available, information_schema and performance_schema are two of the databases that are defaulted, and they're built automatically after MySQL is installed. MySQL.

Information Schema Database Informa-schema Database Information-schema Database information_schema database can be a changeable database that stores every single piece of data that is associated with databases, as well as a variety of objects (views as well as the rights granted to tables, users view , etc. .).) stored within MySQL. MySQL server.

The filter's results are collected through the Database Output

It is possible to gain access to each database of the MySQL server using Display Databases. However, generally you need to separate the data that is supplied by the database in particular for the various databases that are stored on servers.

It's that "LIKE" clause that filters the output of SHOW's database by a specific pattern. The syntax for the fundamental query is:

SHOW DATABASES Types that have a similarity to"'

The string must be it's pattern that you want to duplicate. The end of the string must be a symbol of percent, percent, that must contain at least one character.

In this scenario there is no requirement to disclose databases that start with W. It is possible to achieve this by using these commands:

SHOW DASHBOARDS - Similar to "w #"

Results of filtering:

The database's responses are filtered using"ww" or "w $%'.

Utilizing the Information Schema to query Table Metadata

The past was when you could observe how the system functions. Its schema data database is the place that allows you to save any data that is related to databases, tables, and tables, and also other data on databases and tables on the MySQL server.

This is the Information Schema database which uses the schemata database to keep information concerning the database. For the purpose of filtering databases, it's necessary to perform a full query which searches only in the schema table the search for databases.

If, for instance, you're trying to find databases that have names beginning by "samp" or "word," you can use multiple clauses to provide more accuracy to your search.

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name LIKE 'samp%' OR schema_name LIKE 'word%';

The outcome is.

Using MySQL's
The result of this difficult solution.

Additionally, there is a table called"the table table in the information_schema database. This table gives information about the tables. Also, you can utilize queries to locate the tables with patterns that are in line with particular specifications.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'wp_%';

It's the result.

Listing the wp_tables MySQL database table.
The results of the schema provide information regarding the tables that compose WordPress. WordPress tables.

Other tables found in information_schema include columns, constraints, table_constraints, check_constraints, and referential_constraints.

Common Issues and strategies to address the issue.

One of the primary reasons for making mistakes when making mistakes when SQL is due to the fact that it's hard to make use of the semicolon after SQL statements.

A different issue is having wrong SQL syntax or mistakenly designated the column or table. To avoid this situation, make sure that you search the correct column or table in the table, and make sure that you've written it the right way. Be sure to spelling the correct way.

These are some additional ideas to keep in your mind.

Utilize capital letters to create SQL Keywords

If you are working on SQL code, ensure that you use uppercase when you write SQL keywords. Also, it is recommended to use lowercase for the names of tables and columns. It's clearer and is less prone to mistakes.

In lieu of:

select * from information_schema.tables where table_name like 'wp_%';

Try this:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'wp_%';

Avoid Using SELECT *

Avoid using SELECT * in your SQL queries. This isn't logical since it's not easy to pinpoint the purpose of this query. It's crucial to know which columns you'd like to pick from the table.

In lieu of:

SECT* EXCEPT(phone) of users.profile

Take these steps:

SELECT name, dob, address, country, address, FROM user.profile

You can enter the Code of your Code

Another method to discover errors faster is to find the code with an Apostrophe. Your code will be easy to find!

Database Managers

Additionally, you can manage your database without the necessity to create SQL by an administrator of the database. Administrators of databases can utilize the management tools for databases without writing SQL queries. It connects directly to the MySQL server, providing users with an interface to utilize all the functions provided by the database. After connecting, the program opens the user's interface. UI will display all databases accessible on the server to allow access to databases. The style and design of the UI differs between management instruments however, the method remains the same.

Dev's database manager.
The person responsible for managing the database for Dev.


Administrators of servers must be able to efficiently and quickly access data stored in databases within MySQL. MySQL server. Understanding which databases reside on the server, and the most efficient method to connect to specific tables as well as the data within them, and knowing about the roles of each user as well as privileges they have are essential tasks. It's important to understand that making use of SQL through command-line commands is simple.

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