Which Plugins Should You Choose to Use With a Membership Plugin? -

Apr 4, 2022

If you are creating an online course using WordPress it is likely that you'll discover many paths to the desired destination.

WordPress is the perfect instrument for selling and creating online courses since it's adaptable and you control the platform. However, there numerous plugins to choose from that sometimes it can be a little too overwhelming.

Perhaps you are currently in this situation for your own online course and you aren't sure of what to do. If you decide to self-host your WordPress site, you'll eventually have to make the following choice for your courses:

  1. Only use for the courses you have chosen.
  2. Use a membership plugin only
  3. Use both

The answer really depends on the specifics of your project, so unfortunately I cannot give you a hard-set guideline for when to use each. But let's look at the most common scenarios.

1. Using only

If you're considering it, the truth is that you aren't need a plugin for membership for content protection. Our LMS will safeguard your content without the need of a membership plugin using Our Access Settings.

As an example, suppose you're trying to sell three distinct course. The content of the classes (lessons and quizzes, for instance.) can not be seen by those who have not yet registered. Only people who are registered to the course are able to view the material. If someone buys one course, they don't get access to all the other courses. They only have access to the one.

If your class isn't completely free, then you're probably looking for a way to include the option of paying for your course. integrates with the following well-known shopping carts:

  • Simple Digital Downloads
  • SamCart
  • ThriveCart (beta)

It is important to note that the WordPress shopping carts (1 and 2 above) are compatible with numerous payment processors. The carts include the following payment gateways if you prefer to use no shopping cart:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • 2Checkout

You can very easily use any of these options to accept payment. This will safeguard your course's contents without having to use an additional membership plug-in. Users who use this option will appreciate the simplified process of making their own course offerings since it reduces the need for the need to master a different solution.

2. Utilizing a Membership Plugin (Only)

It's important to remember that there are certain circumstances where an LMS plugin like isn't necessary.

If the project you are working on only demands that you protect a couple pages, posts, or a assets on your WordPress site, then a membership plugin is what you need. A learning management tool in this case would be excessive.

A good example of this is when you have a site that includes a community forum and possibly some beneficial downloads available to the members. If this is the case, you don't need an application like this since there isn't a need for courses, or quizzing. badges, certificates, points, and learner report.

3. Using Both and a Membership Plugin

While a membership plugin isn't required but there could be benefits of using an membership plugin based on the requirements you have.

If, for instance, you're interested in having additional metrics on your members then using an membership plugin is a nice value-add. Many membership platforms come with reports built-in to them. When used in conjunction with it, it will give you more information about your users.

Another scenario where you can use each is when you own an existing membership website but you would like to add the course features in a more formaland structured manner. The addition of a plugin makes it simple to enhance your membership site by creating courses for your members to learn. You don't have to change the method you handle your members either since it's the same by using the membership plugin.

has direct integration with the following membership solutions:

As a word of caution Beware of vendor lock-in!

The learning programs you choose to enroll in can differ with regard to requirements and sometimes those demands are changed. With you can start your course using any option above, and freely switch as needed.

What I have learned after more than a decade of working in the field of e-learning is that learning courses and online courses are not the same for everyone. The way we learn changes and with it the requirements.

No matter if you are using or not, whether you use or not highly recommend you avoid any solution that advocates using an e-commerce site that is a singular method for content protection. In the same vein avoid any solution that is billed with the tagline "all-in-one". Rarely is this even true, but assuming it is it means that you're locked in also. You don't want to accept this type of risk. This has caused individuals major pain throughout the years.

Still confused? Watch this webcast!

In this webcast, we will discuss the most common scenarios where using a membership plugin and in conjunction could make sense.