Write Persuasively - - Member

Oct 1, 2022

A Research-Backed Way to make your writing More Persuasive

Wouldn't you like to find a method to make what that you write more compelling?

You've probably seen his "hierarchy of requirements". It's become a bit of an institution in the world of marketing. The problem is, the idea isn't based on actual research. Maslow just kinda made it up based on what he believed.

Fine. That's how lots of theories start, but ultimately they'll need to be to be tested. Maslow's have been and the results have been inconsistent at best.

Maslow's Theory Is Unscientific

This is why psychologists such as Henry Murray and David McClelland continued to push Maslow's ideas from the beginning.

McClelland specifically, conducted numerous studies using McClelland's research using the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The TAT isn't the most accurate test, however according to ScienceDirect puts it, it "is effective in helping to identify an individual's primary motivations, emotional states, as well as the root of their personality conflicts".

McClelland employed it to refine Maslow's need theory.

What was he able to find?

It's true that there are only three basic needs that dominate human behaviour. Three needs that animate 90% of how and why we act the way we do. This is helpful for those (like me and you) looking to spur people to take actions?

Uh, yeah.

So, what do these "three necessities"?

  1. The Need for Power
  2. The need for Achievement
  3. The Need for Affiliation

McClelland discovered that, of the diverse needs identified by Maslow and Murray, 86% of those who were dominant were on one or more of these three requirements. The evidence, the data, you can trust.

What exactly is the requirements for each?

The Demand for Power

When someone hears "power", they automatically think of control and evil despots like Stalin and Hitler. That can be one aspect, but it's more about influence. The ability to affect your surroundings -- people, objects such as objects, people, etc. Imagine a child who throws a ball and is then giggling uncontrollably. It's the ability of her to manage something beyond herself that lights her up. That's the Need for Power.

Some phrases that you can include in your messages to appeal to this need could include the following:

  • "more control..."
  • "change the world" ..."
  • "have immense influence ..."
  • "dominate..."
  • "greater influence..."

You speak to their need to have an impact on and influence over their surroundings because, for people with a high Need for Power this is what drives people to be powerful.

The Need for Achievement

The need for this is closer to it sounds : that desire to succeed. Make a plan, work toward it, and ultimately be successful in achieving it. The people who are high on the Need for Achievement want to follow that easy process over and over again.

It's just a bit of nuance. If the goal is too simple, it will not give them the fulfillment they're looking for and won't inspire them. If a goal is too difficult, they'll think they can't achieve it and, again, it won't encourage them.

Therefore, the objective has to be "just just" so as to inspire people high in this need. But, put challenging yet realistic goals in front of the people and they'll grind them each and every day as if they were a machine.

The phrases you could use to describe your messages for this purpose could include things such as:

  • "mastery"
  • "achieve your targets"
  • "challenge yourself"
  • "show the things you made out from"
  • "be everything you are"

The most important thing, now and this then, is...

The Need for Affiliation

As McClelland says, this is "The desire to have connected and feel a sense of feeling part of a community." It's also most well-known. Social networks have illustrated the need of people to connect and being part of a group.

Today, many items and services are available, including groups, communities Facebook communities, groups that live events, virtual events, and many more.

It's still important to add these phrases to your message. Phrases you might use include:

  • "join with a community of fellow-minded"
  • "connect with others"
  • "we're one of you"
  • "welcome to the family"

So, how do you make use of all this?

Think about it this way: nearly all (good) copywriting will be "reason-why" is based. It's about giving reasons to people to take the step you're asking them to (subscribe to your email list purchase your product, join your online community, etc.).

So, any basic argument is broken into two parts:

  1. Take this action
  2. This is why

Three needs will reveal what the "reasons why" should be. It is important to address the three requirements because this is what drives people to do something. This is what makes your speech, writing, whatever kind of messaging that you're sending out... more convincing.

It's true that you have to support these assertions, present the evidence, attract attention, and everything else... however, making the right appeal at the beginning is critical. In the absence of that, people will just smile and think "Eh what's the point?" It doesn't animate the people.

The next time you're sat down at your desk to type out a piece of copy or whip up a video script, forget Maslow and keep in mind McClelland. Your work will be grateful for it.

But, this is just one of the many techniques we've picked up while working alongside over 100,000 other entrepreneurs like you..

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