YouTube Decmonetization: Your Complete Guide For Content Creators

Jan 24, 2023

The practice of demonetizing isn't new by the social media giant and, however, following the revision on its policy regarding content moderation the creators, especially within the gaming industry have observed an increase with this pattern.

The reality is that the guidelines and rules surrounding YouTube advertising are a bit ambiguous and constantly changing, even when you believe you're in compliance at all levels, you may not be.

In this piece, we'll help you understand the ins and outs of YouTube demonetization and how to safeguard your income regardless of the decisions that YouTube -- or any other platform -- makes to impact the online presence of your company.

What is YouTube demonetization? How do you use it?

YouTube demonetization happens when an YouTube channel ceases to show ads on some or all its videos. In essence, YouTube demonetization results in a loss of revenue for the creator.

YouTube allows anybody to run ads in the event that they meet the requirements to be part of the YT Partner Program (YPP) and follow the guidelines for content that is deemed to be advertiser-friendly..

If YouTube believes you're not following the guidelines of the YPP or content guidelines You could be penalized with a number of different ways:

  • It is possible to lose the capacity to display ads on a portion or all of your material.
  • You can be suspended out of the YPP.
  • Your account may be suspended or cancelled.

As per YouTube's guidelines, if your content violates the guidelines of the site They'll notify you and inform you of the reason they've taken action against you and how to fix the situation.

Why is it that YouTube remove the ability to monetize its video content?

There are two primary reasons YouTube removes the monetization of creators' content, both of which come down to content guidelines and the platform's monetization policy. We'll look at the following:

Content that doesn't meet the guidelines for advertising

YouTube's rules on advertising cover a wide range of topics which means you need to review your content carefully before uploading it, because even if you believe you're complying, you may not be.

There's a lengthy checklist of the content you should avoid should you not wish to risk being penalized, and it is important to remain aware that your content does not include any of these:

Screenshot from YouTube's Advert-Friendly Content Guidelines

Although YouTube has extensive guidelines for content for ads, users report that independent content creators face more challenges in avoiding demonetization than major media outlets regardless of whether their content they create is comparable.

Some users have put together videos that include lists of YouTube demonetized words to help other creators to avoid being banned from YouTube, and it's vital to make use of these tools in order to ensure you're doing everything you can to be in compliance with YouTube's guidelines and rules.

You're not in compliance with YouTube's monetization policy

If you're in compliance with YouTube's content guidelines for advertising You could still be demonetized if you fail to comply with community guidelines, or if your AdSense account isn't updated.

In terms of Community guidelines the process is pretty simple. YouTube isn't a fan of anything suggestive of spam, scams, nudity, sex, child safety risks, or other potentially harmful content.

YouTube also wants content creators to follow quality guidelines for content that is family-friendly as well as to display a respectable attitude toward their viewers, fellow creators, and advertisers.

From the AdSense point of view it is important to follow certain rules that you must follow to ensure your content doesn't become demonetized. The AdSense guidelines comprise:

  • Make sure you have an updated AdSense account. From February 2021 onward all AdSense account that hasn't been updated will be completely demonetized.
  • Produce original content that provides value. If you create repetitive content, your chances of getting reduced in value increase.
  • Don't feature any copyrighted material that you do not have permission to distribute.

Notification: Beginning February 1st of 2023, the same guidelines will be applied to YouTube Shorts, which can be monetized in the same way longer-form videos are.

The social giant has a specific process for reviewing videos as well as channels. YouTube's reviewers will also review different parts of your content to verify that it's in compliance to their guidelines and policies.

Screenshot of YouTube's Policies on monetization of channels

Even though YouTube seems to have taken an extremely thorough approach to guidelines and review processes however, some creators remain shocked to see their accounts demonetized when they haven't breached the policies.

It was this way for Lea Robertson, who's account was demonetized due to the alleged publication of unoriginal content regardless of the fact that all the videos she uploaded were originally made by her.

My video has been demonetized, what now?

If you're in the unfortunate situation of seeing your YouTube channel (or account) removed from monetization, there's some hope!

  Here's what you should do:  

  • Review all the information YouTube sends you about your policy violation.
  • Contact them via Creator Support to obtain more information or appeal their decision.
  • Find any issues in your content. If any issues are found, you should update the content until you're 100% confident your edited content meets the guidelines and rules of YouTube.

The most important thing is to be persistent. Lea Robinson, as mentioned above, managed to get her monetization reinstated in only three days after contact with YouTube customer support and checking that they had not violated their policies.

One more drastic method of getting your monetization back is to follow the YouTuber Tyrone Magnus' approach and rally your followers to reach out to YouTube for you. We'll leave it to you to decide whether this method is a good fit for you.

Be sure to protect your company from YouTube demonetization

Now that we've looked at the basics of what YouTube Demonetization is and how to handle it, let's think about the big image of your business's online presence.

If you're relying on any social media site for your livelihood You're surrendering control of your company and risking to lose your content viewers, as well as income.

The best thing you can do to safeguard your online business is to diversify the revenue streams in order not to be in the hands of YouTube or any other third-party platform.

For content creators there are a lot of possibilities for making money -- including building and selling digital items.

How do I supplement my YouTube income?

In order to stop YouTube demonetization from draining the stream of income, look at other ways to make money. That way, the event that your account's demonetization happens the demonetization won't harm your business.

It's a fact that the economy of creators is in a state of disarray, with the majority of popular platforms doing a disservice to content creators, favoring big accounts and leaving smaller ones struggling. Take it from Hero Alla Driksne.

"For seven years, I made no cash on the internet. I built up a massive following thinking that if I had a large fan base, I would make money on YouTube and Instagram. The result was not that great, and I was still employed at five different jobs. I made a meager $10,000 a year."

A mix of revenue sources is the most effective solution for creators who want to avoid being crushed by platforms that don't provide them with the tools and support they need to be able to earn money continuously.

Build a community or membership you own

If you manage an online community or membership program You not only decide what content to post and when, you also put the worry of losing money behind you.

It's possible to charge for access and sell items or services to those who already know and like you, so you won't be required to build an audience from scratch. Invite your YouTube users to join your online community.

Use digital courses and products to diversify your revenue

"In 2021 I managed earn close to $100,000 through . Online courses saved me up my time significantly."

Provide individual or group coaching

Coaching can be a great way to diversify your income while also helping you build stronger relationships with neighborhood members, and to understand how to serve them better.

Control your content as well as your income

YouTube can be a great instrument to expand and grow your business, but at the time the purpose of YouTube is to support users more than the creators.

This is why we provide you with all the tools you need to easily build and monetize your digital products from start to finish, with tons of support along the way.

Diversifying your earnings is crucial in building a successful business, and with , you'll have the ability to ensure that your revenue stream never dries out.

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